I'm Kinda Lost

I always look lost so don't be surprised when you meet meh and I look a bit dopey. But i'm meant to say welcome or something so eh...WELCOME ^.^


Sunday, 3 April 2011

Doesn't it SURPRISE you

I finished reading Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince the other day. I have never read or watched the films before now and I was surprised to find that i blubbered like a baby three times ..during Dumbledore's death , When I knew he wasn't coming back and at Dumbledore's funeral..I don't understand why I cried if he is merely a fictional character but im sure it isn't just me..right?

April Fools

(Bystander) Never in my life and never do i plan to pull a plan on april fools. But the other day i saw a group of girls (who i rarely talk to) pull out their phones and announce to anyone that would listen that they would tell their mothers that they were pregnant...they're are 14 years old. so you can imagine that they expected a mind blowing result and lots of laughs but surprisingly..these mothers eitgher did not care or were in on the joke because all they said was ''okay'' o.O
I have this thing (that i am not particularly proud of) were i just give up...like my homework for example i'll open the book or whatever materials it is i need for the homework. Look at the oage. And give up..it's not something i do intentionally its just i can never take anything seriously enough for me to be bothered to do it