I'm Kinda Lost

I always look lost so don't be surprised when you meet meh and I look a bit dopey. But i'm meant to say welcome or something so eh...WELCOME ^.^


Thursday 10 March 2011

7 thingies I know 'bout chew x3

  1. You can't say Irish wrist watch (and im guessin yuu just attemped to say it...FAIL >.<)
  2. You can't LICK your elbow ...I DARE YOU TO TRY
  3. You can't say the letter B without your lips touching 030
  4. You can't not smile whilst sayin teh name of someone you lurve..if you can..your HEARTLESS
  5. Can't look at ORANGE for more than 1 minute
  6. You just looked for something Orange..
  7. Now your SMILING

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