I'm Kinda Lost

I always look lost so don't be surprised when you meet meh and I look a bit dopey. But i'm meant to say welcome or something so eh...WELCOME ^.^


Friday, 18 March 2011

Cleaners in my School

What I fail to understand is how on earth we can have cleaners in our school and our bathrooms still looking like ...i can't even find the correct vocabulary to describe just how grotesque these bathrooms are.I go to a girls school so this is all the more traumatizing and depressing for me. You just open the door to the cubicle and feel like the stench could physically KNOCK you down . And the thing you see when you look in there is a combination of things that I can't even begin to imagine. And then those cleaners have the cheek to tell me to go to a diffrent toilet because they're 'cleaning' what do they actually get payed for if they arent cleaning ?!?

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